Importance of Net Metering To Roof-Top Solar
If there was ever any question about the importance of Net Metering to the adoption of roof-top solar, Nevada's experience with the issue lays the question to rest.
The rooftop residential and commercial solar industry in Nevada is booming following reinstatement of net metering in 2017. The state's major utility, NV Energy, noted a very large increase in solar roof-top applications.
Roof-top SolarGeneration applications increased by a whopping 91% between 2016 and 2017.
Residential and Commercial solar applications went from 287 in 2016, the first full year in which net metering was not available, to 3,308 in 2017, with most applications coming in the second half of the year, after Assembly Bill 405 was signed into law. According to the article, "Early monthly data from 2018 indicates continued growth."
The growth in Nevada's rooftop solar between 2016 and 2017 is notable. The state's Public Utilities Commission ruling to end net metering in 2015, at the bequest of the state's utiliy companies, seriously dampened investment in rooftop solar and "killed thousands of local jobs." according to the article.
By contrast, the legislature's passage of Assembly Bill 405, which reinstated net metering, has led to an amazing upturn in solar installations.
Rob Kowalczik, president of Robco Electric, a Las Vegas based solar company. noted “We are installing solar like crazy. The Robco Electric solar team has increased by 300 percent, and these are all Nevadans put back to work in the solar industry.”
Source: | Kathie Zipp
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