In an article based upon research conducted by Common Sense Media, Felix Richter of Statista finds that despite studies that “…have linked smartphone usage in bed to inferior quality of sleep… millions of Americans cannot resist…checking their Twitter timeline one more time before falling asleep.” (Opens in a new window)
In the U.S., 70% of teenagers and 61% of parents check their smartphones within 30 minutes of going to bed. Perhaps more astounding is the 36% of teens and 26% of parents who check their phone at least once during the night after having climbed into bed.
Smartphone usage upon wake-up is just as ubiquitous: Nearly one-third of teens and over one-fifth of parents check their phone within 5 minutes of waking. Over 60% of both teens and parents are checking their phone within 30 minutes of waking. Now, “…instead of waking up slowly and sorting their thoughts for the day ahead, smartphones are diverting people’s attention away from their own thoughts by confronting them with the outside world immediately.”
Source: Felix Richter, May 31, 2019,