SolaTrim protects your solar panels from the abundance of pests looking to set up house underneath your solar arrays. SolaTrim prevents birds, squirrels, possums and roof rats from nesting beneath your solar arrays. SolaTrim also provides your solar panels with protection from damaging environmental debris such as leaves and roof-rot. SOLA 100 - 100 Feet (Case of 25 - 4 Foot Panels 48" x 5.5"): Manufacturer's ID: ST-055
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The SolaTrim Pest Animal Barrier is an aesthetic, all-weather, long lasting system designed to limit environmental impact and pest intrusion to residential roof-top solar system arrays. SolaTrim specifically blocks pigeons (whose droppings can create a health hazard) and squirrels (who like to chew on wires) along with possums and roof rats from getting under solar systems while allowing air to circulate underneath the solar panels, maintaining a protected area between the roof surface and the bottom of the solar panels.